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Invite User Endpoint

POST /admin/projects/:projectId/invite

Invite a new user to the project. This will perform the following actions:

  1. Search for an existing user with the provided email, if given
  2. Search for an existing profile resource (`Patient``, Practitioner, or RelatedPerson)
  3. Create a new User, if no existing User was found,
    1. Set the password if password is given
    2. Generate a password reset url
  4. Create a new profile resource, if no existing profile was found
  5. Create a corresponding ProjectMembership resource, for the (user, profile) pair
  6. Send an invite email, if sendEmail is true


resourceType: 'Patient' | 'Practitioner' | 'RelatedPerson';
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email?: string;
externalId?: string;
password?: string;
sendEmail?: boolean;
membership?: Partial<ProjectMembership>;


  • Either email or externalId is required.


Inviting a Practitioner

await'admin/projects/:projectId/invite', {
resourceType: 'Practitioner',
firstName: 'George',
lastName: 'Washington',
email: '',
password: 'lib3rty0rDe4th!',

Example Response:

Returns the ProjectMembership associated with the new user

resourceType: 'ProjectMembership',
id: ':id',
admin: true,
project: {
reference: 'Project/:projectId',
user: {
reference: 'User/:userId',
display: ''
profile: {
reference: 'Practitioner/:practitionerId',
display: 'George Washington'

Inviting a Patient

await'admin/projects/:projectId/invite', {
resourceType: 'Patient',
firstName: 'George',
lastName: 'Washington',
email: '',
password: 'lib3rty0rDe4th!',

Example Response:

Returns the ProjectMembership associated with the new user

resourceType: 'ProjectMembership',
id: ':id',
admin: true,
project: {
reference: 'Project/:projectId'
user: {
reference: 'User/:userId',
display: ''
profile: {
reference: 'Patient/:patientId',
display: 'George Washington'

See Also